Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation into the church, the other two being Baptism and Holy Communion. The Sacrament of Confirmation enables the faithful to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, strengthening them in their Christian life.
We're excited to keep you in the loop with the weekly teachings in our Confirmation class, as well as offer you ways to connect these teachings to your home lives. You will also find information about upcoming events and service projects. Please check this page to see what your teen is learning in One8 and how you can be a part of his or her faith journey!
Please congratulate our young men and women who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in April 2024. We pray the Holy Spirit fills their hearts and kindles in them the fire of Christ's love.
Congratulations to all, including our ONE8 class, their families, sponsors and those preparing them on their journey to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. - NoahSt. Francis Hertzog -DerekSt. Sebastian Natale - Madison St. Theresa Hodorovich - Evangelina St. Bernadine Nelson - Sinead St. Julia Keane - Rocco St. Rocco Pirozzi - Vanessa St. Jeanne Meli - Josephina St. Cecilia Ruscitelli