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Electronic Giving Map & Directions Forms Contact Us! Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 PM - OLC 8:30 AM - First Saturday Mass with Devotions (1st Saturday of each month only) Sunday 8:00 AM - OLC 9:30 AM - St. Malachi 11:15 AM - Schneider Parish Holy Days 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM - Our Lady of Consolation Daily Mass 8:30 AM - Monday through Friday* at OLC *Friday Devotions following Mass on the 1st Friday of each month Confession 4:00-4:30 PM - Saturday at OLC |
Weather Update: Chocolate-covered Pretzels from LifeTeen![]() If you purchased chocolate-covered pretzels from our LifeTeen youth, they can be picked up at the Schneider Parish Center if you haven't made arrangements for delivery. Funds from the pretzel sale help support our LifeTeen Mission trip to Niagara Falls this summer.
Due to the impending snow, please see the NEW pick-up times: Tuesday, February 11 (noon - 3:00 PM) Thursday, February 13 (noon - 3:00 PM & 6:00 - 8:00 PM) * Pretzels WILL NOT be available for pick up on Tuesday evening or Wednesday due to the impending weather. Please see Adrianna McCaw ([email protected]) or any LifeTeen member with questions. Please stay safe, and thank you for your support! New CAFÉ ClassThe Catholic Adult Faith Enrichment (CAFÉ) team is offering an eight-week video series titled “Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled” beginning Thursday, February 6, 2025. The speakers are Jeff Cavins and Dr. Jeffrey Morrow.
In this study we will cover all of Luke’s Gospel, which includes a few well-known parables not found in the other three Gospels and also the story about the Road to Emmaus. The class will meet Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM in the conference room at the SPC. A Zoom link will be provided for those who prefer to participate remotely. There is a workbook for this course, but it is optional. The cost is $27.95 plus shipping and sales tax. If you wish to view the videos at home, you can purchase a year of streaming rights for $6.95. The streaming subscription gives you online access to the workbook. For more information email [email protected], or call Sue Brown at 610-857-2026, or contact Mary Beth at the Rectory. MUSIC NEWSListening Party for 2nd Album
Congrats on the Sacrament of ReconciliationCongratulations to our Second Grade Prep class who completed their First Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday, January 27, 2025. Please pray for them as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.
Enjoy these pictures from the retreat and the event! Breakfast with Santa Was a Hit!!Thank you to all those who attended! And a big THANKS to those who organized and helped in any way!!
The Craft Fair was a BIG Success!!Thank you to all who attended and helped in making the craft fair an AMAZING community event this year!! This was our biggest year for sure with so many compliments on how welcomed everyone felt, including the crafters. The basket raffle also made the highest amount ever raised in years!! Thank you to the groups who made up the baskets: LifeTeen, Music Ministry, Young at Heart, LTJV/One8 and PREP 1-5.
Enjoy a few pictures and thank you for your part in this big day! |
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