Our Church Ministries
It takes a lot of hard work to keep our church facility beautiful, organized and maintained. We're grateful to all of those that help. Check out the listings and join the team!
Altar Society
This ministry cleans and beautifies the church and altar. Please contact the Rectory at 610-857-3510 if you're interested.
Church Cleaning Crew
Volunteers at each Parish site help clean the church weekly. Please contact the Rectory at 610-857-3510 if you're interested.
Greeters & Ushers
To be a Greeter you must arrive at church 30 minutes prior to services to greet people as they arrive and to distribute bulletins and music sheets. The ushers also welcome people and are helpful to all who come to Our Lady of Consolation. They direct the flow of activity, help those in need, take up the collection, direct the communicants and answer any questions. Both greeters and ushers should help at the end of service to remove any non-pertinent papers from the pews. If you're interested, please contact Joe Dagney at [email protected]
Landscaping & Gardening Ministry
Our purpose is to act as caring stewards of our beloved parish sites by communally maintaining and beautifying the church grounds. Typically we weed, prune, deadhead, water, mulch, remove litter and occasionally plant seasonal items. Many of us appreciate the opportunity to come together as a service community and get grounded with nature, God and each other.
Contact: Janice Dagney – 610-857-0511 [email protected]
Contact: Janice Dagney – 610-857-0511 [email protected]